+237 671 697 643 info@agrichubtech.com

AgriBusiness Development

How our work progress is recorded

Pre-Feasibility feasibility studies

This study is essential as it clearly identify the following items:

  • Project area: Geographical location with a map (GPS coordinates), climate, and ecology of the area
  • Economic and social aspects: land use pattern, farming systems, land tenue issues, input supply situations including water availability
  • Market and demand analysis: size of total market and proximity to consumers, market share projection, marketing plan
  • Technical feasibility: choice of technology, farm location related issues, input factors
  • Financial feasibility: where a realistic assessment of the farm project will be done by determining the cost and
    benefits of the project.
  • Soil samples for testing and analysis
  • Conclusions and recommendations: here, a clear statement will be provided on the feasibility and viability on the techniques of production, marketing, and profitability of the project


Soil analysis and Project plan development

Upon submission of the feasibility study report and data analysis, the investment scope and the project plan is develop using the following considerations.

  • Nature of business: crops (arable, perennial or tree crops), livestock or integrated farming
  • Site selection: road access, distance to village or town, topography, soil quality, water availability, pest  infestation
  • Size of the business: total area of farm, total production from farm and total amount of capital able for investment.

Agric-Hub Technologies Inc, partner pineapple farm in Yaounde for the supply of Pineapple suckers all over Cameroon

Our Agribusiness involve identifying profitable crops suitable for our soil type and available soil nutrients. One of such is Pineapple.

Profitability of Pineapple 🍍 cultivation can not be overemphasized especially when people with the right knowledge are at the forefront of the process! Agric-Hub Technologies Inc has build the right collaboration and partnership to help any young Cameroonian willing to invest into Pineapple 🍍 cultivation succeed! We also have a team to help manage your project from start to finish and provide you with a good return of invest! Here is a farm and one of our partners in Yaounde! We use this opportunity to announce to the general public that pineapple 🍍 suckers are available at an affordable prices! Contact us now your suply and delivery!
#AgricTech #Sustainableagriculture #Agribusiness