Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production
Design of special Irrigation systems for Organic Cocoa Production
Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production
Sowing of watermelon seeds
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Nursery bed preparation for our cabbage nursery. Our farm worker Mr Godlove tilting the soil to form nursery beds. Assisted by our MD guiding them with the right soil to organic manure ratio required for the nursery.
Our industrious MD leading by example. She motivates our field workers by taking the lead and doing the job herself. Nursery bed preparation in Ekondj for Cabbage nursery.
Transplanting Phase of Ekondji Cabbage Project led by our Project Development Manager, Ms Cha Evidance Manyi
When Passion meets determination you can only get the best. Our own managing Director, Ms Ndze Sylvie Wai on field leading by exampleÂ
Our Success is driven by our due diligence we put into our work. The phase two of our Plantains Project in Bambili saw a strong team of professionals working together to ensure that the sucker transplanting is successful. The team made of the Project Development Manager, Ms Cha Evidance Manyi, Managing Director Ms Ndze Sylvia and Intern from College of Technology, University of Bamenda, Mr Kukwah Boris from left to right on the picture to ensure success by ensuring all details are adhere to.
Land Preparation Process. Since the field is a savanna zones with only sparse plant biomass, a systematic clearing was enough which was immediately followed by Marking out the field should to laid out according to the planting distances  marked with stakes/poles of about two metres high and digging of planting pits. We used Planting pits of 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm as it produce the best results. During this step, made sure to separate the surface soil (10 – 15cm) that is rich in humus from the deep soil. The pits will also be filled with about 2 kg of well composted manure per pit.