+237 671 697 643 info@agrichubtech.com
Agric-Hub Tech AgriBusiness Development Ongoing Projects
Agric-Hub Tech
Leaders in AgricPreneurship.
AgriBusiness Development
Pre-Feasibility feasibility studies
Ongoing Projects
Soil testing and analysis have proven to be invaluable

Welcome To Agric-Hub Tech

Welcome To Agric-Hub Tech

At Agric-Hub Technologies Inc, we use innovative technologies, smart and intelligent applications to enhanced production and distribution of agricultural products.  We leverage on the evolution of internet and technology to connect farmers to consumers in main cities where demand is more than quality supply. We also provide farmers with agricultural inputs (organic manure, solar dryers, improved seeds etc).

Agric-Hub brings together experts in Crop production, animal husbandry, Agricultural Economist, plant health engineers and technology enthusiasts to develop technologies that addresses the specific needs of our farmers, train farmers on the application of new techniques to increase productivity, profitability, yields and reduce cost of production.

Mr Njieforti Princewill Gana receiving the Ideal AgricTech solutions Award on behalf of Agric-Hub Technologies Inc.

Ideal AgricTech Solution at IFYRA 2023
Our work in the AgricTech sector was recognised at the 2023 edition of Ideal Farmers Youths Recognition Award in Douala Cameroon. IFYRA is an  annual Youth Agricultural Award that recognizes outstanding young individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of agriculture and is open to all youths who have demonstrated a commitment to agriculture and have shown leadership potential within their communities. We are proud to have been recognized for work in the Agricultural sector as Ideal AgricTech Solutions. Mr Njieforti Princewill Gana who received the Award on behalf of Agric-Hub Technologies Inc. 

Our Managing Director, Ms Ndze Sylvia Wai attending the Ideal Farmers Youths Recognition Awards In Douala, Cameroon.

To honoured our nomination to this great awards that is aim at showcasing the great work by young people in Agriculture, Our managing director ensure she take part by attending the event to show support and to give it the maximum respect it deserves. It was a great event and opportunity to network with other change markers in the field of agriculture in Cameroon.
The night ended on the high not as we emerge winners and the managing director share some great joy and excitement in her own words to the press just after the award ” we are very pleased with this recognition for it is a testament to our great work and this serves as motivation to continue the work we do at Agric-Hub. I am very excited and happy for this win and I also like to congratulate other winners tonight and all the nominees because we all must have been doing some greats to have earned nomination in the first place. So we are all winners and should continue the hard work to transform our agricultural sector.” We expressed our sincere gratitude to all those who found us worthy of their votes and those clients who enjoy the quality of services to be able to nominate us. We do not take this for granted but rather we take this as a motivation to do even more and we are committed to providing quality services. For more about the Ideal Framers Youths recognition Awards you can check here https://idealfarmers.co/ifyra/ 

2021 was an amazing year because of all you our valued customers and partners. We have been very proud serving you all and we pledge our continuous commitment to improve where we failed and serve you better, for you deserve it.
To our amazing staff I can’t thank you enough, for your tremendous sacrifice was the reasons for all we have  achieved in 2021, reaching our milestones and goals. Together we will achieve great things come 2022. I appreciate all your efforts and commitment and to this, I say Thank You.
On behalf of the entire Agric-Hub Team, I would like to wish all our valued customers a prosperous Happy New Year. Thank you for choosing  Agric-Hub Technologies Inc.

Theodore Kindong

Keys To Success

Agric-Hub Technologies Inc has identified four keys that will be instrumental to our success. The first is implementation of strict financial control. By having proper control, production efficiency will be maximized. The second is uniting farmers through farmers’ cooperatives and continuous education of local farmers about the benefit of organic farming and effective farm management skills to boost their productivity. The third building a network of professionals in different fields of agriculture and tech enthusiast to develop AgriTech and train local farmers all over the country through organized workshops and seminars. The fourth key is the recognition and implementation of the philosophy that 100% customer satisfaction is required to ensure a profitable business. Profits are a by product of satisfying customers, not the other way round.

cfo 1

Our CFO presented the Agric-Hub Financial Planning & Analysis for the third and fourth quarter of the year 2021. She explain to the board of directors how the FP&A plan include all the details the board must adhere to as we strive to achieve our vision, strategic goals, and objectives. She also presented a balance sheet tracking Agric-Hub financial dealings for half year 2021.

The FP & A reassured all our partners and investors on  huge valuations of Agric-Hub using projected future earnings. The CFO promise to engage the board of directors  in budgeting, forecasting, and analysis that supports major decisions of its executives to continuously guarantee success in all our operations.

The CFO return the trust of the board of directors to be  be in charge of FP&A. And as the company becomes larger, a full-time FP&A team will most likely be a valuable investment.

Our Finance Team led by the CFO invest so much in financial planning and analysis because it helps us foresee the future in the present and also to reassure our investors through  brilliant FP&A presentations to the board of Directors and investors after every quarter of the year. 

AgriBusiness Development

Pre-Feasibility / Feasibility Studies

This study is essential as it clearly identify the following items:

  • Project area
  • Economic and social aspects
  • Market and demand analysis
  • Technical feasibility
  • Financial feasibility
  • Soil samples for testing.
  • Conclusions and recommendations

Soil Analysis and Project Plan Development

Upon submission of the feasibility study report and data analysis, the investment scope and the project plan is develop using the following considerations.

  • Nature of business
  • Site selection
  • Size of the business

Field Mission

Agric-Hub Technologies Inc team led by our managing director, did a field mission to Buea town ( foot of the mountain) and identified the types crops being produced there and the challenges faced by farmers to develop solutions and to survey the available farming land. They also made with the person responsible for leasing out land for cultivation and discuss the modalities of acquiring land and the terms and conditions.

During this visit the topography of the area was analysed, measurement done and soil samples collected for testing and analysis. key facts about everything you need to know about acquiring land on the foot of the mountain was established to help potential with the right information.

Agric-Hub Technologies Inc field mission to assess the investment potentials of Mr Forba Albert Nchinda as he presents  his difficulties and what he expect to benefit from Agric-Hub. Our Team include the project development manager and field operation director for centre region.

Our pledge is to transform agriculture through improve and advanced farming techniques. #AgricHub #Agribusiness

Agric-Hub team field visit to Sob Village to evaluate how far the five key measures to improve productivity are being apply to achieve sustainable agriculture.

These keys measures include: 

  1. Smart water management. Our team try to find if there exit irrigation systems and what type do exit and how is maintenance done. Agric-Hub recommend using  drop by drop or sprinkler irrigation systems to increase crop yields up to 50 percent.
  2. Varieties selection after testing some soils samples for pH, soil moisture and light intensity we recommend the best varieties to farmers in this area for maximum yield.
  3. Conservation tillage: Afrter identifying the crops type produce in this area we provide best practices to help increase the shelf life of their produce and transport them to nearby towns for good market value.
  4. Nitrogen: This is to determine the type of fertilizer needed by the farmer
  5. Farm management software. Assess the farmers IT knowledge to better design solutions that meets their needs and knowledge

Farm site visit! Achieving Success entail putting in place a great team driven by the zeal and passion to succeed! We are proud of the team we have assembled and the progress made in Ekondj is a proof of our great team!

Ongoing Projects

  • Organic Soil Preparation for Cocoa Production
  • Propagation of Cocoa Trees
  • Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production
  • Design of special Irrigation systems for Organic Cocoa Production
  • Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production
  • Ekondji farm project

Ongoing Projects

– Organic Soil Preparation for Cocoa Productio
– Propagation of Cocoa Tree
– Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production
Design of special Irrigation systems for Organic Cocoa Production
Organic Pests and Diseases Control in Cocoa Production

Ekondji Watermellon project progressing well.

Day 25 after sowing! Ekondji project moving in the right direction! Our great team on the field and the expertise of our technicians paying off as the watermelon is doing exceedingly well! Using automatic irrigation systems is helping us survive even in the dry season!

CEO visit to Ekondj farm project!

Field visit to Ekondj Village by our CEO, Engr Theodore Kindong, accompanied by our field operations director for centre region, Mr Dornell. While in Ekondji the team together with our field workers visted the farm where work progress was assessed. Our CEO congratulated the farm workers and encourage them to do more as he was pleased with work done so, he equally reminded them of the necessity to always strive for the best and be deadline oriented since timing is very crucial in agriculture. He also discuss with the team to know their needs and other requirements needed for maximum productivity. 

A visit to bova village in Buea! Accessing Agric-Hub Tomatoes farm in Buea

Agric-Hub CEO doing manual weeding at our Tomatoes Farm in Bova, village in Buea.

Ensuring success is attain by getting involve, ‘with us experience is all that matters’ the words of our CEO as he came visiting. He encourage workers to put in more efforts so that the best is always the goal

The MD inspection visit to Ekondj village from the 25th to 28th of August 2021, to evaluate the progress of watermelon project and commence the cabbage project. At Agric-Hub, we do not sit in offices but we go on the field and make sure our goals are achieve. 

The MD receiving feedbacks and field report of the work progress and challenges faced by our farm workers so as to better provide solutions. After understanding the on the ground situation. She reassured our workers for best working condition to allow them more productive.

Our farmers in Nguti showcasing their maximum yields after using our recommended species and install solar dryer to dry their Cocoa.  We are proud to help farmers realised maximum yields

Agric-Hub Technology is proud to accompanied Coca farmers in Mbalmayo and we are part of their  success stories of these local farmers in Mbalmayo. The Cocoa variety ‘Brazilian cacao’ has proven to have better yields as our farmers had a bountiful harvest in 2020. Agric-Hub is very happy helping small-scale farmer turn their small farms into viable businesses. When farmer  get the right rewards for their hard labour food, they will be motivated to work hard. 

An except of our virtual conference on Exploring Agricultural Value Chain Potentials in Cameroon.

Here we bring people working on the field to share their experience with the public and also provide more information about the opportunities existing within the agricultural sector in Cameroon